Friday, April 30, 2010

Learning to Fly

Hi boys and girls, I am glad that you all enjoyed the SMARTboard lesson and most of you requested me to email the lesson to you which I have done so. Since this week we are learning about flight and we have and will continue to carry out many fun experiments in the classroom to explore the properties of air. Why not learn more about flight by soaring into the following websites.

Science Fun with Airplanes website provides an excellent introduction and review on air and its properties.

AllStar Network: What Makes an Airplane Fly is a great resource in learning about flight. Has explanations and animations explaining many aspects of flight.

Also watch this YouTube video to understand Bernoulli's Principle

Explore Our Solar System

Hello Grade 6 students, as you all know we have started our unit on Space. We discussed how our solar system is composed of the sun, planets, moons, comets, and other objects that are traveling around the sun. I would like you to explore the following websites to learn more about our solar system.

Views of the Solar System website provides details of our solar system including it's composition, objects size, mass, movement, and distance from the sun.

Another great resource is NASA website. This website contains tons of pictures and videos of the planetary bodies in our solar system that you will find very useful.

Geometric Properties

Hello boys and girls, tomorrow we will be starting our new math unit n o"Geometry". We will be talking about different geometric figures, perimeter, surface areas, classification and sorting of these figures. I would like you to use the resource provided below to help you understand.

Geometry 3D Shapes
This is a wonderful website that will help you in learning about some of the geometric shapes, terminology used to describe them and how to calculate their surface area and volume, as well as a lot about their mathematical properties. is another useful resource to learn about geometric shapes and their properties.

Why not think about how these shapes can be seen around you in everyday life. :)

Fractions O Fractions

Hi Grade 6 Boys and Girls, I really enjoyed our feedback session discussing our unit on fractions and a number of you requested a resource centre which I have created below to assist in learning about fractions.

Fractions Lesson, a great place to review what we have learned about fractions. Take a look at each lesson and concentrate on the ones that some of you have problems with. We will discuss this in the classroom.

Action Fractions, a fun game to test your fraction knowledge